Email: jiaxd@nwnu.edu.cn
1. 2012 年“基于叠加编码和网络编码的无线协作通信系统研究”,南京邮电大学优秀博士论文
2. 2012年“基于网络流量的网络管理与用户行为分析研究”,甘肃省高校科技进步二等奖,排名第三
3. 2010年南京邮电大学“万全优秀博士奖学金”
1. 2012年中国博士后科学基金第52批面上项目,“基于压缩感知和网络编码的无线传感器网络多跳传输技术”,编号:2012M521105
2. 2012年国家自然科学基金项目,“面向无线传感器网络的源-信道-网络联合无线传输理论研究”,编号:61261015
3. 2011年高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金项目,“DNF网络编码双向机会协作通信系统中调制方式对系统性能的影响研究”,编号:20113223110001
4. 2012 南京邮电大学江苏省无线通信重点实验室开放课题,“无线网络编码分析与设计研究”,编号:201201
5. 2010年江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划项目,“基于物理层网络编码与信道编码中继协作通信系统实现方案与性能分析”,编号:CX10B-184Z
1. 科技部973课题,“认知协同与网络容量优化理论”,编号:2007CB310607
3. 江苏省973计划项目,“下一代网络技术”
4. 江苏省高校自然科学研究重大项目,“面向物联网中无线网络的网络编码理论研究”,编号:11KJA510001
1. 码分多址高速数据基站智能天线收发信方法, 专利号: 200810243241.3
2. 智能天线来波方向基带检测装置, 专利号: 200910034234.7
3. 智能天线线阵广播波束形成方法及装置, 专利号: 200910034232.8
4. 多径信号载波相位误差估计装置, 申请号: 200910034235.1
5. 正交移相键控基带波束形成设备, 专利号: 200920045639.6
6. 码分多址多径同步解调分集接收机, 专利号: 200920231104.8
7. 板状天线下行共用波束形成装置, 专利号: 200920231106.7
8. 频谱和功率利用率高的同频发送高、低速数据的装置, 专利号: 201020198743.1
2. JIA Xiangdong, ZHU Hongbo, YANG Longxiang, FU Haiyang, “Level crossing rate and average fading duration of multiuser single relay cooperation wireless uplinks”, China Communications, 2012.12, Accepted for publication. (SCIE Source)
3. Xiangdong Jia, Hongbo Zhu, Longxiang Yang, Haiyang Fu, “Performance analyses of the N-Rth dual best relays opportunistic cooperation with amplify-and-forward protocols”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2012.12, Published on online. (SCI:, EI:IP52344595)
4. ,)Jia X.D., Yang L.X., Fu H.Y., Feng B.M., Qi Y.F, “Two-Way Denoise-and-Forward Network Coding Opportunistic Relaying with Jointing Adaptive Modulation relay selection criterions”, IET Communications, 2012, 6(2), pp:194-202. (SCI:000301291800009; EI
5. Jia X.D., Fu H., Yang L., Zhao L., “Superposition coding cooperative relaying communications: Outage performance analysis”, International Journal of Communication Systems, 2011, 24(3), pp. 384-397. (SCI: 000288091300007; EI:20110913712035 )
6. Jia X.D., Yang L.X., “The Interaction of Multiplexing Gains and Power Exponents Allocation Method in Two-Level Rate Superposition Coding Cooperative Relaying Communications”, European Transactions on Telecommunications, 2011, 22(7), pp. 352-366. (SCI: UT WOS:000297206700002; EI:IP51555563)
7. Jia X.D., Xiao W., Fu H., Fan J., “An easy rake receiver for TD-SCDMA smart antenna”, Wireless Personal Communications, 2011, 61(1), pp. 99-112. (SCI,WOS:000296012000007; EI: IP50904449 )
8. Xiangdong J., Haiyang F., “Research on the Outage Exponent of Superposition Coding Relaying with Only Relay-to-Source Channel State Feedback”, Chinese Journal of Electronics (CJE), 2011, 20(1), pp. 161-164. (SCIE: 000286786500035; EI:20110713660055)
9. Xiangdong J., Longxiang Y., Haiyang F., “Tight Performance Bounds for Two-Way Opportunistic Amplify-and-Forward Wireless Relaying Networks with TDBC Protocols”, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2011.12. (SCI:WOS:000301079300003; EI)
11. Xiangdong J., Longxiang Y., “Diversity-and-Multiplexing Tradeoff and Throughput of Superposition Coding Relaying Strategy”, Journal of Electronics (China), 2010, 27(2), pp. 166-175.
12. Jia X.D., Yang L.X., “Two-Way Denoise-and-Forward Network Coding Opportunistic Relaying Aiming at Minimizing Euclidean Distance in Multi-Access Phase”, Journal of Electronics (China), 2011, 28(4-6), 433-443.
13. Ouyang Y., Xiangdong J., Haiyang F., Longxiang Y., “Adaptive Jointing Superposition and Denoising-And-Forward Physical Layer Network Coding”, China Communications, 2010, 8(3), pp.43-51. (SCIE: 000291189000005)
14. Zhi Hui, Xiangdong Jia, Longxiang Yang, Haiyang Fu, “Comparison of Average Symbol Error Rate and Optimal Power Allocation for Two-way Opportunistic Relaying with Amplify-and-Forward Protocol”, International Journal of Communication and System, 2012, Published on online. (SCI., EI:IP51987815 ) 15. 欧阳玉花, 贾向东, 傅海阳, “网络编码双向机会协作系统无线传输方案频谱效率比较分析”, 信号处理, 2012, 28(10), pp.1475-1482.
16. 傅海阳,陈技江,曹士坷,贾向东, “MIMO系统和无线信道容量研究”, 电子学报, 2011, 39(10), pp. 2221-2229. (EI:)
17. 贾向东,傅海阳,欧阳玉花,“双向四节点自由空间中继协作光通信策略”,光电子.激光,2011,22(10), pp. 1511-1514. (EI: 20114414481652) 18. 贾向东,傅海阳,杨龙祥,“RAKE接收机基带实现方案和多径分量相位差估计方法”, 北京邮电大学学报, 2011, 34(4), pp.97-100. (EI: 20113914370707)
19. 贾向东,傅海阳,曾维洪, “二维定向瑞克接收机实现方案比较研究”, 电波科学学报, 2011, 26(3), pp. 501-508. (EI: 20113114198839 ) 20. 贾向东,傅海阳,杨龙祥,李凡, “TD-SCDMA系统中利用中置实现DOA检测的方法”, 信号处理, 2010, 26(5), pp. 730-735.
21. 贾向东,李凡,郑建光, “智能天线基带幅度加权波束赋形及其CDMA应用性能分析”, 电波科学学报, 2010, 25(3), pp. 503-511. (EI: 20103013098466) 22. 贾向东,傅海阳, “TD-SCDMA标准扩频扰码方案的性能研究”, 信号处理, 2011, 27(1), pp: 113-121.
23. Xiangdong J., Longxiang Y., Haiyang F., Xiong L., “Research on the power exponent and the outage exponent in superposition coding relaying strategy”, in Proc. Wireless Communications & Signal Processing, 2009. WCSP 2009. International Conference on, 13-15 Nov. 2009, pp. 1-5. (EI:20101012760567)
24. Xiangdong J., Longxiang Y., “Superposition Coding Relaying with Only Destination-to-Relay Channel State Feedback under Long Term Power Constraint”, in Proc.The 12th International Conference on Advanced Communication Technology 2010 (ICACT2010), Feb. 2010, pp. 1-5. (EI: 20102112953914)
25. Jia X.D., Ding W., Fu H.Y., “Research on the Baseband Space-Frequency Modulation Beamforming Scheme”, in Proc.2009 IET The Communications Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Sensor Networks, Shanghai, China,CCWMC 2009, Sanghai, Chian, Dec. 2009, pp. 1-5. (EI: 20105013473820)
26. Xiangdong, J., Yang J., Liu, X., “Study on the characteristic of WCDMA uplink complex spreading and modulation”, in Proc.5th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2009, Beijing, China, 2009, pp. 1-5. (EI: 20100112609867)